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Friday, September 14, 2007

Fruit Curving

Tips on selecting fruits and vegetables for carving
Each kind of fruit and vegetable has its own unique characteristics, so keep these pointers in mind when choosing fruits and vegetables to carve.

Onions and
shallots should be fresh and without wrinkles. Choose either mediumsized or small bulbs that are all of uniform size.

Carrots should be straight and of medium or large-size.

Radishes should be fresh, firm, and round. Use medium-sized radishes, all of uniform size.

Chinese radishes should be straight and of medium-size with clear bright skins. The flesh of large Chinese radishes tends to be mealy.

Cucumbers should be green, straight, and of medium-size. The type called for in this book is the larger type (Tang Ran). If the smaller type (Tang Kwa) is used, those with green skins have firmer flesh and are better for carving than those with greenish white skins.

Tomatoes should be of uniform size. Plum tomatoes, with elongated fruits, are firmer than round varieties. Choose fresh ones with no wrinkles.

Pumpkins should have thick, firm flesh.Such pumpkins have a rough exterior.

Spur chillies should be fresh and have firm skins. Generally small ones are used, because if large ones were cut and spread out to make a blossom, they would cover the entire plate. However, large spur chilies are used for making anthurium flowers.

Spring shallots and
leek should be fresh and green with no yellowing on the leaves. Select thick, medium-sized plants.

Cabbage and Chinese cabbage should be fresh with firm, heavy heads. Use medium sized heads.

Lemons should be very fresh.

Taro should be of medium-size. The fragrant taro (Pheuak Hawm) has fine-textured flesh.

Cantaloupes should be those that are not yet fully ripe. The skin should be pale yellow without wrinkles or scratches.

Yam bean tubers used for carving should not be too large. Large, mature tubers have a lot of fibers. These become frayed in carving, detracting from the appearance of the finished work.

Papayas should be straight, thick-fleshed and without any bruises. They should not yet be fully ripe so that the flesh is firm and does not bruise easily. The Khaek Dam variety is recommended be cause of thebeautifully colored flesh.

mangoes should be fully mature and of a variety whose flesh is not too crisp. The skin should be green and un-wrinkled and the stem should look fresh.

Watermelon should have red flesh and green rinds with no bruises or wrinkles.

Pineapple should have large eyes. The leaves should be fresh and green and there should be no shrivelling of the skin or stem.

Guavas should be those that are just becoming ripe. The skin should be a fresh light green skins and there should be no bruises or scratches.

Apples should be fresh with glossy, brightly colored skins and no bruises.

Jujubes should have straight fruits with green skins and no bruises.

Sapodillas must be firm, so avoid fully ripe fruits. The skins should be even and clear. Avoid sapodillas that have been dyed for the market. Their skins have a dusty appearance.
<>lime juice and water to prevent browning.
2. Shallots and onions should be soaked in water before being peeled and carved to reduce irritation of the eyes.3. Taro should be washed thoroughly before being peeled. If washed after peeling, a slime is released which causes itching.4. Carrots should not be soaked in water before carving as this will make the flesh tougher and more difficult to carve.5. Beets should be washed in water to which a little
salt has been added. This will reduce loss of color. Also, if left standing, beets will blacken, so they should be kept moist by spraying them with water regularly.6. Potatoes should be washed with water after peeling to remove the sap and then washed again after carving. This will help prevent browning.7. Apples should be soaked in mixture of lime juice and water before being peeled to prevent browning.8. Cantaloupes should be washed before carving. While carving, avoid letting water come into contact with the fruit because it will lose its taste and spoil more quickly.9. Yam bean tubers should be soaked too long after carving, will yellow.
Storing carved fruits and vegetables
1. After carving, fruits and vegetables should be placed in ice cold water so the petals of flower designs are firm and spread beautifully.
2. Carved fruits and vegetables should not be left in water as this will cause petals to become discolored and to spoil.3. Each type of carved fruit should be kept separately. This will prevent loss of all your work in the event that one type spoils.4. Store carved fruits and vegetables by putting them in containers and placing in a refrigerator, or if no refrigerator is available, by covering them with a damp piece of thin white cloth and putting them in a place protected from drafts so they do not dry and wilt.5. After carving, pumpkin should be dipped in water and removed right away. If left in water, flower petal designs will become bruised.

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